Month: February 2017

Finding the Time to Start a Business while working Full Time

Finding the Time to Start A Business

Less than four years ago I was launching my Etsy shop while working full time as a receptionist at an insurance company. I knew my side hustle had the potential to become my full time job, but also knew it would take a lot of work and sacrifice to get to that point. For almost two years I had to manage both, before going part time at my receptionist job. Eventually I did turn the side hustle into the full time hustle, but the road to getting there wasn’t easy.

Everyone has a different risk tolerance and there are people who are ready to jump into their solopreneur jobs earlier than others. My Etsy shop started as a hobby and it made sense to keep my full time job until it grew more. I learned a lot while working full time and managing my side hustle, mostly how important time is and ways to maximize it by prioritizing.

Let’s face it, we could all use a couple extra hours in our days. Time is something many people struggle with. We all get the same amount. It’s ever fleeting and we can’t buy it or make more, no matter how hard we try.

When you’re working full time, it can be really, really hard to start or grow your business. Your paying job comes first and that’s totally understandable. I’m going to be completely honest – it’s not easy to do both. There is a factor of planning and a good bit of sacrifice. (I’m talking goodbye TV shows, at least for the time being). However, you have to keep in mind it’s a temporary time of sacrifice in order to get to the point where you can leave your job and do this thing full time.
