This post is long overdue because Etsy announced the feature of videos in product listings last year. It started as a beta, but now it is it seems to be a permanent feature on the platform – and one I highly recommend utilizing! Read on for why I think you should be incorporating video into your Etsy shop and easy ways to do so.

Why Use Video in your Etsy Shop

According to the test data that Etsy provides, they came to the conclusion that buyers are more likely to purchase items if the listings include a video. If Etsy believes your listening are more likely to convert, they’re going to push them up in search results. So basically. they’re giving listings with video preference to those who don’t have it. 


All this to say, if you’re not utilizing video in your Etsy shop it is definitely time to start! I think the idea of creating video can be really intimidating but it doesn’t have to be – promise!

I’m going to share the steps on adding video to your Etsy listings, along with examples of easy videos to create for your products!

How to Add Video to your Etsy Listings

You can add video to your Etsy product listings on your desktop computer within the listing. Right under the first section where you add photos, there is a section to add a video.

This is great if you’re creating your videos or editing your videos on your desktop computer. However I found it really easy to use my iPhone for creating video and there are a few steps to uploading those to the etsy listing.

Etsy isn’t making it easy for us – as of right now you can’t upload a video to the Etsy seller app. I have no idea why not, but that’s a different conversation. Fingers crossed this feature is coming to the Sell on Etsy app soon (your move, Etsy!) 

In the meantime, you can visit your Etsy shop in a browser on your phone. Log in to your account, visit the listings dashboard, find the product you want to add a video for, and upload it there. It seems like an unnecessary amount of steps, but it truly just takes a minute once you log in!

From there, as long as it meets the qualifications, Etsy will accept the video and you can publish your listing. Congrats! That wasn’t too bad, was it?

Wondering WHAT to video and HOW to do it – I’ve got you, keep reading!

Instagram Ideas for Etsy Sellers

Etsy Video Specifics

Before we dive into examples, here’s a few general tips to creating videos for your Etsy shop listings!

Keep it short. With Etsy videos, there’s a minimum of 5 seconds and a maximum of 15 seconds.  Anything after 16 seconds will be cut off.  If you’re uploading a longer video I recommend trimming it before putting it on Etsy (or it can take a really long time to upload!)

Etsy also mentions requiring high resolution 1080P or more, with a maximum file size of 100MB.  I’m going to be honest — these numbers and what they stand for is outside my realm of knowledge. (If you know what the heck this means, please leave a comment below and I’ll add it here, with credit!) 

All that to say, I record videos or my Etsy listings on my phone and have never had a problem. Just cut longer videos down to fit their limit and you should be good to go! If you want more information about the specifics of etsy videos you can check that out here.

How to Create Videos for your Etsy Shop

Like I mentioned, I love using my iPhone to create quick, simple videos for the product listings. There’s no need to get an expensive camera, full film crew, or call in for hair and makeup. I promise you can do this easily on your smartphone!

Beyond your product and smartphone, all you need is some good lighting (natural light is perfect!) and possibly a backdrop depending on your product. Keep it clean, professional, free of distractions, and focused on your product.

A lot of the same rules apply as to product photography and you can check out some of my best tips on that in this post and this post. Again, and I can’t stress this enough, keep it simple and don’t overthink it!

Once you’re set up, record your product!  I just use the filming feature on my phone and save the video. I don’t edit other than trimming if it’s too long or maybe just brightening it up a bit. Your first video might take a to a few tries but you’ll learn a lot and next time we’ll be able to do this super quickly and easily.

Here’s one of my super simple Etsy product video listings!

How to Use Video in your Etsy Shop 

Simple is great! Keep in mind what buyers are looking for and how you can show off the details of your product that aren’t available in photos alone. This is a great way to connect with a shopper, show them how your product is made, and what your brand is all about!

Examples of videos for Etsy listings:

  • show your product in use or on a model
  • show different colors, sizes, and options available
  • answer an FAQ (you know, the one that you get asked every other day because buyers don’t read)
  • show the ingredients or the behind the scenes of your product being made
  • show what sets it apart from other products in that category

Work Smarter, Not Harder 

If you can find a way to record a single video that you can use in multiple listings, congrats my friend – you have a winner. Is there something generic or an element that ties everything you sell together? For example, if you sell a necklace that comes in different metals, consider one video showing all of them together that you can use in multiple listings! 

Repurpose video content you’ve already created for Instagram and TikTok. One of my very best videos was a super simple Boomerang I created as an Instagram story and later added as a video listing for my Etsy shop.

Once you’ve created the videos, make sure you add to Pinterest and your other social media platforms! Video isn’t just king, on Etsy but every platform is giving preferential treatment to these types of posts right now. You can read more about why I love Pinterest for Etsy sellers and incorporating video into your Pinterest strategy!

I’m going to say it one final time for emphasis: Keep it simple. Don’t overthink it. Don’t be intimidated, you’ve got this! If this post inspired you to create a new video, make sure to drop the link to the listing in the comments once it’s added – I would love to check it out!