I can’t claim to have tens of thousands of sales on Etsy – because I’m not selling a ready to buy, off the shelf, inexpensive product. 

I sell wedding invitations and work with couples one-on-one throughout the process to design their stationery, print and assemble, address their envelopes – the whole shabang! In 2019, my average order was $1,143 and I consider it to be not only a boutique product, but also a luxury service.

How to sell custom products on Etsy Truth be told, not all of my invitation orders come from Etsy. However that is where my business started in 2013. I opened my Etsy shop (with zero clue what I was doing) selling notecards and graduation announcements. A year and a half later, I dove into the wedding side of things and began offering full service wedding invitations. Less than a year after that, I quit my job to pursue my business full time.
