If you’re not using Pinterest to grow your Etsy shop, you are missing out on a huge opportunity! There are 250 million users on Pinterest and 87% have made a purchase because of the platform. People are searching, planning, and purchasing on Pinterest – they’re ready to buy, which is why it’s such a natural fit for Etsy products. 

How to create pins for your Etsy Shop

Before you dive into this post, you might want to check out this one – I’m sharing even more on why I love Pinterest so much (it’s my favorite marketing tool, hands down) and how to set up a business profile connecting your Etsy shop!

So, what the heck do you pin to Pinterest? Well, Pinterest is a visual platform so it’s important that we put our best photos and content forward – just like we do on Etsy. The goal is to have a browser stop their scroll and click on your pin. When they do, they can choose to save your pin for later (repin) or click through to make a purchase on Etsy.
